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Woman with CKD holding her back

Many people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can live long lives without being unduly affected by the condition. 

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a long-term condition characterised by the gradual loss of kidney function over time. It can result from various factors, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain genetic disorders. CKD progresses through stages from mild to severe, with each stage reflecting a different level of kidney function.

Diagnosis and Management

Early diagnosis of CKD is crucial for effective management and slowing its progression. Diagnosis typically involves blood tests to measure kidney function and urine tests to check for signs of kidney damage. Once diagnosed, management strategies may include lifestyle changes (such as healthy diet and exercise), medication to control blood pressure and manage underlying conditions, and regular monitoring of kidney function

Living with CKD

Living with CKD can pose challenges, but there are steps individuals can take to maintain kidney health and improve quality of life. This includes following a kidney-friendly diet, staying hydrated, managing blood pressure and blood sugar levels, avoiding smoking, and staying physically active. It is also essential to work closely with healthcare providers to monitor kidney function and adjust treatment as needed.

Support & Resources

Living with CKD can be daunting, but individuals and families do not have to face it alone, There are numerous support groups, associations, and resources available to provide assistance, guidance, and emotional support, Organisations such as the National Kidney Federation (NKF) Kidney Care UK, and the British Kidney Patient Association (BKPA) offer valuable resources, educational materials, and opportunities for peer support. Additionally, healthcare providers including GP surgeries and Primary Care Networks like ours, are here to provide ongoing support and care for individuals living with CKD.


Causes & Risk Factors

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can stem from conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney infections. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, and unhealthy diet also contribute. Understanding these risk factors empowers proactive lifestyle changes to prevent or manage CKD, reducing the risk of kidney complications.

Symptoms & Stages 

CKD progresses through stages marked by declining kidney function, often asymptomatic in early stages. Symptoms like fatigue, swelling, and changes in urination may emerge in later stages. Regular screening helps detect CKD early, allowing timely intervention to slow progression and prevent complications, improving prognosis and quality of life.

Diagnosis & Evaluation 

Diagnosing CKD involves blood and urine tests to assess kidney function and identify signs of damage. Imaging tests like ultrasounds may further evaluate kidney health. Early diagnosis enables healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans to individual needs, emphasising likestyle modifcations, medication management, and monitoring to optimise kidney health.


CKD management focuses on slowing disease progression, managing complications, and preserving kidney function. Lifestyle changes such as diet modifications and exercise, along with medications to control blood pressure and blood sugar, play a key role. Regular monitoring and follow-up care are essential t adjust treatment and prevent complications.


Individuals with CKD benefit from support networks, educational resources, and peer assistance to navigate the challenges of living with a chronic condition. Support groups, patient advocacy organisations, and healthcare providers offer guidance, information, and emotional support, empowering individuals to actively manage their health and well-being.


Ongoing research into CKD aims to improve understanding, diagnosis, and treatment options. Studies explore novel therapies, genetic factors, and lifestyle interventions to slow disease progression and improve outcomes. Collaborative efforts among researchers, healthcare providers, and patient advocates drive innovation and advancements in CKD care.