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Venn  Primary Care Network


Parents - don't miss out on Healthy Start Vouchers

Healthy Start

Families in Hull are missing out on thousands of pounds of financial support to help buy them healthy food. The Healthy Start voucher scheme was introduced to help people buy fruit and vegetables, milk and claim free vitamins from 10 weeks into pregnancy or until their child was four.

However, between £250,000 and £350,000 is going unclaimed every year in Hull alone because people  don't realise they're entitles to support. 



You don’t have to be a mum or fit - men, dads, grandparents are all welcome. Fitmums & Friends are friendly, sociable and supportive running and walking clubs organised by volunteers.


This week the NHS started offering the RSV vaccine for the first time to pregnant women and older adults 75-79.


Every 2nd Friday of the month 10am to 12pm. Download poster for information and dates


Do you enjoy gardening? Would you like to meet new people? We are starting a garden project at 358, Marfleet Lane (old GP surgery).  Click below for more information.


Cases of Measles are on the rise. It is an infectious virus that causes a rash and can be very serious. Download information on Measles to understand the risks, symptoms and need for vacination.

Measles Information

The earlier bowel cancer is spotted, the more treatable it’s likely to be. In fact, more than 9 in 10 people survive bowel cancer when it is diagnosed at the earliest stage. However, this drops significantly when diagnosed at the latest stage.


The uptake figures of the MMR vaccination has been in decline for over ten years, with on average at least one in ten children unvaccinated and at risk of becoming seriously unwell. In some areas this is as high as four in ten children.

NHSE are launching a national call / recall inviting those not fully vaccinated to come forward to catch up on missed doses of the MMR vaccination.


Gardening Group
Wellbeing Project at Sutton Manor

Sutton Manor Surgery Project - raised beds

Our Health & Wellbeing Team have announced news about an exciting new initiative which has started at The Sutton Manor Surgery.

Sarah Capes, Health & Wellbeing Team Leader who runs the project said,

“There is a strong and growing evidence that nature based social prescribing plays an important role in improving mental and physical health and reducing loneliness. With this in mind, we have set up a gardening group at Sutton Manor Surgery open to patients and the surrounding community to help tackle loneliness and isolation through activities that also benefit the surrounding wildlife.

"We have received support from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, local community allotments and Men in Sheds to gather inspiration for the plot of land with our first priority being raised beds for vegetable growing. We are happy for more patients to join the group if they are interested in getting involved. The Sutton Manor site gives an idea of what we would like to achieve”.

Social Prescribing

Social prescribing event

As part of Social Prescribing Day 2024, the BeWell Community Link Workers were based in Bransholme Centre to speak to people about Social Prescribing, the benefits this can have, and referral processes should they want support.

Social Prescribing and community-based support is a key component of personalised care and is part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Social Prescribing enables GP practices to refer patients to a range of services that offer support for social, emotional or practical needs. Through a link worker, social prescribing connects patients to community groups and services.

Social Prescribing

Gardening Group

Before and after garden project

Why not be part of The Venn Community Gardening Project and join in with others for good company, fresh air and gentle exercise. To see Tony's ambitious plans for the Sutton Manor Gardening Project simply click the button below for more information.

The plan envisages raised strawberry beds, an area for seasonal crops, lavender plants and beds for gooseberries, rhubarb, and more. 

In addition to a flower box, the plan highlights a wall of brambles - whilst the south-facing terrace will feature climbing plants - including clematis, jasmine and roses!


Inhaler News

Patient using an inhaler

 As part of our practice commitment to provide excellent care and protect our planet, we are reviewing the prescriptions for some inhalers.

As part of our practice commitment to provide excellent care and protect our planet, we are reviewing the prescriptions for some inhalers.

This affects your reliever (blue) inhaler, which you use only when you have symptoms. You may know it as your salbutamol inhaler, or by the brand-name Ventolin. Your pharmacy may dispense a salbutamol inhaler with a different brand name.



Poster pharmacey First

Pharmacists are able to offer a breadth of support to patients close to home thanks to a new service that allows them to supply medications for certain conditions.  Pharmacists are now allowed to supply medications for:

  • Sinusitis in those aged 12 years and over
  • Sore throat in those aged 5 years and over
  • Earache in those between 1 and 17 years old
  • Infected insect bite
  • Impetigo
  • Shingles in those over 18 years old
  • Uncomplicate urinary tract infections (UTIs in women aged 16-64

Peel Street Event

Practitioner talking to visitor at event

Community Peel Street Fair Event - On Thursday 22nd August, the Health & Lifestyle Practitioners from the Be Well service, held a stall at the Peel Project Community Health Fair.

Attendees were invited to have their blood pressure checked and to undertake a Diabetes Risk Assessment.

The Be Well Community Link Workers were also in attendance, promoting Social Prescribing and the Sutton Manor Gardening Group.

BEWELL wellbeing TEAM

Self Referral Portal

BP check

We are Venn PCN - a group of local practices working together to provide improved healthcare for all our patients.

According to the criteria for each service, patients of Sutton Manor Surgery, The Bridge Group Practice, City Health Practice and CHCP Practice and  can now self-refer a range of services.

The self-referral Portal on this website gives full information together with details on how you can self-refer.