Talking Therapies | Venn Primary Care Network Hull
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talking therapies

Talking therapies can help with common mental health problems like stress anxiety and depression, Which therapy you are offered delends on which one has been shown to be most helpful for your symptoms 

When you need help, the NHS is here for you. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Talking therapies can be of great help when you are feeling low.  Please check out the links below for information about Talking Therapies. Other forms of support are also available and they can be found on this website and on the NHS website.

Examples would be guided-self help, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or counselling. Talking therapies are offered in different ways including:

  • using a self-help workbook with the support of a therapist
  • an on-line course
  • one to one in person, over the phone or video consultation
  • in a group
NHS talking therapiesmore about talking therapies